Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Charity for May: YMCA

It's okay, you're not the only one who wanted to burst into song after reading 'YMCA'.  It's a charity I actually donate to quite frequently, since they have a store open just down the road from where I live.  I like to go in and have a browse (even if the people who volunteer in there seem a little shifty...) and I adore sifting through all the books.  I think I've carried my own weight in paperbacks home from there.

The YMCA is the largest and oldest youth charity in the world.  They provide families with support, give young people a safe place to stay and help them create a fresh, positive start in life.  They're currently helping to tackle youth unemployment (staggeringly, almost one million 16-24 year old people in England are unemployed.  That's scary.) and are promoting personal health and fitness in communities across the UK.  

Regardless of sex, faith, culture or background, the YMCA is dedicated to helping young people create a better world for themselves and those around them.  And I think that's pretty awesome ^_^ Young people get a lot of stick for being young and it's reassuring to know that there are organisations like the YMCA who are working worldwide to ensure that the future is better for all of us.

I hope you're all having a happy week :) I am having a really good one so far and I'm terribly excited to share lots of good news with you ^_^ Thank you for stopping by!



  1. I didn't realize the YMCA had stores! I don't think i've ever seen one. There are a lot of clothing donations bins around town, but I've only ever seen the gym and after school center (which you have to be a member to go to). I'll have to look into what the YMCA does in my area!

    1. Weirdly they have two in my town O.o Spoiled for choice!

  2. KATE! You're just thee coolest! Love how you did a blog post on an awesome organization! I also love your profile pic! So good to put a face to your name:-)
    Have a great week!



    Janette Lane Blog

    1. Janette! Thank you so much ^_^ You have a cracking week too!
