Sunday, April 22, 2012

Long Time No See...

Guys.  Wow.  I've missed you.

It's been the craziest time *ever*.  I wish with all my heart that I'd worked harder and found time to update my blog but it just got lost in the midst of super long working hours, catching up with friends and attempting to get enough sleep in between!

Everything has suffered; today was the first time in *two months* that I picked up my crochet hook and worked on my blanket; my best friend B and I have only talked *twice* since I last posted (and we're once-a-week-if-not-more talkers!); I've not done any work on moving forward with my business; S and I are having to work out even more kinks in our plans...The list seems endless!

I know plenty of people have full time jobs and are able to balance everything so wonderfully (at least, it seems like it!) but I've really struggled.  We were thrown in at the deep end when our old manager left and it's been up to me and my new manager to keep everything together; not a responsibility I asked for but a necessary one I've taken on and while it's hard, it's made me value the time I spend away from there and with my friends and family *so* much more.

I know it's down to me to work things out, to make time for all the different parts of my life I want to work on.  For the last couple of months I've been stuck in such a rut, just working and pushing from one week to the next with as little hassle as possible.  In the last few days I've been doing a lot of thinking, about my creative passions, about the friends that've been there throughout the craziness, about the things that make me genuinely happy and how I've been neglecting them (mostly because I'm simply shattered at the end of the day but really, is that an excuse not to sit for a half hour and read or crochet?  Not any more!) 

I just wanted to say a big hello to everyone who reads this little blog of mine, to say thank you for stopping by (and thank you to those of you who kept stopping by, even after I vanished!) and to wish you a wonderful week full of smiles and all the things you love (^_^)


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